Swim Season Starts
In May!
The McCann Dogs Pool is now available for public rental! In addition to individual pool rentals, we also offer a variety of lessons to cater to different needs. From beginner "Learn to Swim" sessions to "Dock Diving" classes or private lessons for those seeking a competitive edge, we've got you covered. Our pool also provides gentle exercise options for older dogs and serves as a perfect cooling spot for you and your furry family member this summer. Don't miss out – reserve your spot today!
- $35.00 + HST - 30 minutes (2 people and 3 dogs included)
- $60.00 + HST - 1 hour (2 people & 3 dogs included)
- Any additional dogs or people will be an additional $10.00 + HST each. Some limitations apply.
- $75.00 + HST - 30 minutes
- $150 + HST - 1 hour
- + $10.00 per additional dog/person
- $299 + HST - 4 week program.
- Our swim instructors will work with each dog & human team on their individual needs.
- This program is for all levels, from dogs just learning to swim all the way up to advanced dock diving skills for competition.
- Contact our office team to learn when the next session starts!
- 48 hours before reservation - no charge
- 24 hours before reservation - 50% charge
- Less than 24 hours before reservation - 100% charge
- NOTE: No fee if cancelled because of weather (electrical storm or heavy rain)
Please Note:
- A reservation is required to use the pool.
- Dogs who are new to dock diving pools are encouraged to have a orientation lesson with a swim instrutor to make their first experience a positive one!
- Please note that some dogs may not be comfortable entering the water during your first rental. Swim lessons are available for your assistance.
- Retractable Leads, prongs, or electric collars are NOT allowed.